Research Highlight
Innovation Strategy
How to Develop a Successful Technology Licensing Program
Six practices can help companies implement licensing as part of an open innovation strategy.
Managing Your Career
Why It Pays To Be an Optimist
People with optimistic dispositions get jobs more easily and get promoted more, research suggests.
Global Strategy
Are You Giving Globalization the Right Amount of Attention?
Too little attention from head office executives can cause problems in global operations.
Supply Chains & Logistics
Opportunism Knocks
There are five steps managers can take to protect their complex and vulnerable supply chains.
IT Governance & Leadership
Where the Money Isn’t
In theory, IT innovation is important — except it’s often not a priority in company budgets.
On the Rocky Road to Strong Global Culture
It’s not easy to build a strong culture worldwide. “Cultural hubs” beyond headquarters can help.
Marketing Strategy
Giving Consumers License to Enjoy Luxury
Research suggests that people will spend more freely if you first help them feel more virtuous.
Innovation Strategy
Innovation Strategies Combined
Some approaches to achieving innovation work well together — but some don’t.
Executing Strategy
Do You Have A “Plan B”?
Many companies have trouble making the transition from a failing business model to one that works. Often, one culprit is an inability to experiment.
What Helps And Hinders Innovation?
Recent research explores the interdependencies between various approaches to innovation.
IT Governance & Leadership
Finding New Uses For Information
On the Web, innovative data reuse yields opportunities — and legal questions.
Innovation Strategy
Motivated to Innovate
R&D employees who find intellectual challenge motivating tend to be more productive.