Research Highlight
Organizational Structure
Can You Measure Leadership?
At top companies, where the inspired use of metrics helps to identify potential leaders and develop their skills, the answer is yes.
Organizational Structure
The Impact of Technological Innovation on Outsourcing Decisions
When technology changes rapidly, outsourcing looks more attractive.
Innovation Strategy
Where the Best and Worst Ideas Come From
Group brainstorming excels at generating both very good and very bad ideas.
Marketing Strategy
International Perspectives on Counterfeit Trade
Executives’ perceptions of the motives of pirates and purchasers vary by country.
Climate Change
A New Way to Collaborate
Researchers hope a new Web-based platform will enable better deliberation on complex problems.
IT Governance & Leadership
What Makes Information Workers Productive
Technology use, diverse networks and access to new information all enhance productivity.
Developing Strategy
How Companies Become Platform Leaders
Under the right circumstances, companies of any size can grow to become platform leaders.
Executing Strategy
Co-opetition Without Borders
International arrangements require more formal mechanisms.
Developing Strategy
Competing Against Low-Cost Countries
Higher quality and niche marketing are not always the answer.
Boards & Corporate Governance
Does Corporate Governance Matter?
There comes a time when corporate governance has little influence over performance, because competitive forces cut away at management fat.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Being in the “Out” Crowd
Why do some subsidiaries become isolated — and does it matter?
Innovation Strategy
The Benefits of City Locations
Urban environments can substitute for internal resources in driving process innovation.
Business Models
The Four Models of Corporate Entrepreneurship
Companies have four ways of building businesses from within their organizations. Each approach provides certain benefits — and raises specific challenges.