Marketing Strategy
The Gap Between the Vision for Marketing and Reality
The ideal role of marketing was articulated 60 years ago. How close to the ideal have we come?
The ideal role of marketing was articulated 60 years ago. How close to the ideal have we come?
Some well-known companies have stumbled in e-commerce in China. To succeed requires new thinking.
Employers can take steps to ensure that remote workers are not evaluated unfairly.
There are circumstances in which outsider CEOs may outperform CEOs who came up through the ranks.
An intriguing new book discusses the traits of serial innovators at established companies.
To improve online communities, companies need to enhance communication among custoemrs.
To gain from social coupons, businesses should craft deals carefully — without giving too much away.
The current approach to measuring patent quality is not serving the world’s patent systems.
New research offers insights into choosing the best approach to learn about a foreign market.
At too many large companies, corporate functions like HR and IT don’t get enough strategic direction from the CEO.
New research finds that investments companies make in information technology increase profitability and sales more than investments in advertising or R&D do.
When is it smart for multinational companies to relocate top management to other countries?
Lessons for managers who are listening to social media.
Why have investors been so bullish on companies like Disney? It’s their business models.
A study found that certain marketing techniques can influence a company’s stock market valuation.
While network effects do affect market share flows, quality prevails.
From time to time a project truly stands out, creating exceptional value and having an impact on the industry.
Virtual worlds have been slow to catch on in businesses — but employees familiar with the technology may help.>