Leadership Skills
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To get the best results from a decision matrix, managers should expand the options used to frame it.
To get the best results from a decision matrix, managers should expand the options used to frame it.
Open-innovation platforms, used thoughtfully, can expand a company’s access to analytics talent.
The rise of stakeholder-controlled media outlets complicates corporate crisis management strategies.
High-impact innovations have built-in uncertainty — but careful strategizing can reduce the risk.
Performance topology maps offer managers a signpost pointing toward smarter strategies.
There’s no single formula for making work meaningful — but poor management is a universal obstacle.
Companies often don’t focus enough on understanding how customers decide what to purchase.
Social media provides a game-changing opportunity to support innovation and new product development.
A successful innovation developed by Cisco’s R&D unit in India offers practical insights.
Operational excellence requires cultivating an expectation for continuous improvement in all employees.
Despite their importance, five popular marketing metrics are regularly misunderstood and misused.
Businesses are averting disruption by beating their new competition, joining them, or waiting them out.
The problem of the domineering corporate headquarters resonates with executives of multinationals.
Project-centered governance may be an efficient way to organize innovation in fields such as biotech.
By tweeting, CEOs have an opportunity to initiate and influence online conversations.
How can companies adapt themselves to the demands of super-transparency?
Today’s supply chains are required to be lean, agile, sustainable, and — increasingly — transparent.
Smartphone maker Xiaomi cultivates user pride through user-centered and open innovation.
“Lawsourcing” campaigns are helping smaller organizations advance legal and public relations goals.
IT outsourcing has emerged as an important strategic tool for acquiring cutting-edge innovation.