Research Highlight
Security & Privacy
HR Information Disclosure
Companies have much to gain by actively touting their human resources successes. So why don’t they?
Marketing Strategy
The Global-Brand Advantage
Research indicates that buyers are more likely to perceive value in global brands.
Business Models
Responses to Disruptive Strategic Innovation
Disruptive strategic innovations are not necessarily superior to the traditional ways of competing, nor are they always destined to conquer the market. Rushing to embrace them can be detrimental for established companies when other responses, including ignoring the innovation, make more sense.
Digital Marketing
Lessons From Online Groceries
How the industry’s evolution can inform all e-tail enterprises.
Quality & Service
Using Choice Modeling in Service Management
A framework for gaining a clearer understanding of customer preferences.
Global Strategy
The Myth of Globalization?
A new study finds that only a few large retail firms have a genuinely global presence.
Boards & Corporate Governance
The Advantages of Family Ownership
New research shows that companies owned by founding families have higher profits and valuations.
Developing Strategy
Risk Management in Practice
The use of risk-assessment tools is far from pervasive.
New Views on Digital CRM
Managers’ opinions vary about the goals and value of Internet marketing.
Voluntary Actions After Enron
How some companies are responding to recent corporate scandals.
Managing Your Career
Does E-Mail Escalate Conflict?
The idiosyncratic aspects of electronic mail can obviate resolution.