Connecting Worker Satisfaction With Opportunity
The first annual MIT Sloan Management Review/Deloitte Future of the Workforce Global Executive Survey and Research Report finds that many leaders and workers alike are frustrated with ongoing human capital investment initiatives. The research suggests that as organizations look for meaningful ways to invest in their workforces, the most effective approaches have a common core: opportunity.
Assessing Worker Happiness and Satisfaction
This year’s research also developed a Net Promoter-like scoring tool to understand how workers view their organization’s investment in their growth and development. Respondents were asked to rate four statements about their satisfaction at work on a 10-point scale. Those responses were then grouped into three categories:

highly satisfied or satisfied

neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

highly dissatisfied or dissatisfied
Explore how survey respondents answered questions about their organization’s investment in their growth and development in the data visualizations below.
Filter on employee satisfaction or demographic data such as region, industry, role, and company age.

Read the 2020 MIT SMR/Deloitte Future of the Workforce Global Executive Survey and Research Report.
Surveyed employees, managers, and executives alike agree that investment in worker skills and capabilities is a strategic priority. But individuals may not feel consistently supported. Interviews with leaders spanning functions, industries, and geographies revealed an approach that may foster workforce development alongside strategic execution.
Read more about opportunity marketplaces in the MIT SMR/Deloitte 2020 research report, “Opportunity Marketplaces: Aligning Workforce Investment and Value Creation in the Digital Enterprise.”