The Power of Resilience in a Time of Uncertainty

In a webinar, MIT professor Yossi Sheffi discusses new ways to build resilience and risk management in an organization.

Reading Time: 1 min 


How can companies prepare for disruptions? What are the best ways to analyze risks and increase an organization’s overall resilience?

“We start by thinking about what can go wrong,” says Yossi Sheffi.

In an August 2015 webinar, Sheffi, director of the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics and a renowned expert on supply chains, risk management, and resilience, shared insights and examples from his latest research. His new book, The Power of Resilience: How the Best Companies Manage the Unexpected, is out this month from MIT Press.

In this webinar, Sheffi offers insights into understanding and analyzing the types of risks companies face. He shares strategies for preparing for and coping with disruptions effectively, and for increasing your own company’s resilience.

Sheffi cites the disruption planning in place by Procter & Gamble before Hurricane Katrina hit as an excellent example. He also discusses how GM was able to rework its supply chain after Japan’s tsunami disaster, and how the U.S. Postal Service was able to continue operations during the 2001 anthrax attacks because of redundancy and extra capacity in the system.


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