How to Choose the Right Digital Leader for Your Company

Striking the right competence-credibility balance for digital leaders depends largely on how the role of the CDO is defined in a particular company.

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An MIT SMR initiative exploring how technology is reshaping the practice of management.
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“There’s no question anymore if digital is the future. I think it’s clear to everybody. There is no resistance to move in this direction; it’s more how fast we can move.”

—Bart Leurs, chief digital transformation officer, Rabobank

Digital disruption is close to the top of the agenda in many boardrooms today, but who should lead the charge? Many companies are assigning the task to chief digital officers (CDOs). Yet, finding the right candidate is not easy and tenures tend to be short. Throughout late 2018 and early 2019, we analyzed the career paths of 508 CDOs, examined more than 1,000 survey responses from CDOs and other digital leaders, and interviewed 42 of them from across 28 countries and a broad range of industries to gain a better understanding of the position.

Our findings suggest that success in the CDO role is highly influenced by two factors: competence and credibility. Competence is an umbrella term for the combination of digital knowledge, skills, and experience. Credibility is the belief within an organization that a candidate can achieve the stated objectives.

Whether to hire a CDO from inside or bring one in from the outside is an important decision. Organizations often think that competence and credibility can best be combined in an external candidate. Out of the 508 CDOs in our career path data set, 70% were hired from outside the organization. For example, the CDO of German insurer ERGO Group said that he was hired specifically for his digital competence and experience, which the company thought would help build the initial trust and credibility required to do his job well.

But is it really that simple?

The relatively short average tenure of CDOs — a mere 2.5 years, according to our data — suggests that other factors are at play. Striking the right competence-credibility balance depends largely on how the role of the CDO is defined in a particular company. Indeed, we found that CDO roles and responsibilities differ widely among organizations. At one extreme were those that placed an emphasis on tactical areas like digital marketing or technology. At the other end were roles that described a cross-functional and rather ambiguous focus on digital strategy and transformation. Although external candidates can bring critical digital competence and experience to organizations seeking a better digital footing, they may struggle to build credibility for necessary organizational change.



An MIT SMR initiative exploring how technology is reshaping the practice of management.
More in this series

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Comments (4)
Aditi Arora
Choose the right digital leader is necessary for every business. The Digital leader is key to every business success because the leader is a roll model of all employees and he represents your business online.
Martin Richter
This really is spot on! In my experience, many firms fail to see that there are very different requirements for digital execs depending on the specific context and digital maturity of the firm. Competence and credibility are surely important aspects to consider, but I hope to hear more about your findings on the CDO role and how it will develop in the future.
Cordell Larkin
Great article @MichaelWade and @NikolausObwegeser!  This does a great job of articulating one of the key challenges to digital initiatives, or transformations, overall.  Lack of strategic focus.  I see this manifested in the issues clients ask me to solve around organizational performance.  I'm typically providing organization design, culture change, or change management services for IT and/or a digital functions.  The most common cause of below expected organizational performance in these cases is lack of clarity about what those functions do (what capabilities they own / services they provide) versus other parts of a company and the company's partners or vendors.  Would love to see you research this and see if the high ambiguity of role situation has equal or lower performance against expectations.  I believe this lack of role clarity extends beyond just the CDO to the entire digital and/or IT function, and causes many of the 'failures' we here about related to digital transformations.
Anshuman singh
Hello, I would love to say that am working on Digital Platform for My company And of course Digital is a Future of Every Business I would like to say thanks to you for Sharing Valuable Information With Us It seems really very very beneficial  For everyone Well executed Points.