Webinar: Leading Through a Crisis Day-by-Day

Runtime 1:01:30


A webinar to help leaders proactively respond to the COVID-19 crisis.

There is an art to leading through dark and uncertain times. There’s much we can’t control, but thoughtful leaders can use hope and compassion to encourage their team, promote resilience, assuage fear, and help team members see into the future.

Please join leadership preparedness expert and author of the MIT SMR article “Leading Through COVID-19,” Eric J. McNulty, as he demonstrates how leaders can rise to a crisis with humanity, adaptation, and trust on a daily basis.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • The three interdependent areas of crisis-management activity that help foster sustained high — even heroic — performance by your team.
  • How to think about all your stakeholders during uncertain times.
  • Finding a way to demonstrate your loyalty, compassion, and commitment to workers and customers.
  • How you can use aspiration to bring out the best in your team.

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