Digital Marketing
What Do Senior Managers Really Want to Know About Social Media?
A study of senior executives’ use of social media identified key reasons why experts are brought in to educate the staff.
A study of senior executives’ use of social media identified key reasons why experts are brought in to educate the staff.
Marketers in both B2C and B2B companies are discovering strategic benefits from social media.
New research suggests the term “viral” marketing does not describe well what happens in the market.
At Enterasys Networks, social tools are creating a flatter and more transparent company.
A 2012 study of the Fortune 500 companies discovered a growing number are embracing social media tools.
What determines whether consumers will “like,” comment on or share a company’s Facebook posts?
How companies can find their most influential online customers and enlist them to help promote their brands.
Target is among many retailers using social media to attract more Black Friday shoppers.
A survey of 100 CMOs says that more than 89% are influenced by social data when making decisions.
Using a seven-step process, an ice cream retailer substantially improved its social media marketing.
What determines whether or not an internal social media initiative brings business benefits?
John Hagel, co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge, explains how social tools can increase productivity.
SAPs ten-year-old online network has nearly three million members.
Do companies know why consumers interact with their social sites? How much value can social business deliver?
How do the insights from big data differ from what managers generate from traditional analytics?
How will social networking and social software transform business? See the results of our survey.
This report identifies how social technologies create value in a variety of business functions.