Project Management
The Project Leader’s Branding Tool Kit (5 Point Chart)
Charts explain how to brand a project to internal audiences to get it funded and create engagement.
Charts explain how to brand a project to internal audiences to get it funded and create engagement.
When the Gap decided to overhaul the way it interacted with critics, it launched a strategy of stakeholder engagement.
What are the characteristics that can help guide companies through disruptive transitions?
This article assesses root causes of the highly publicized recalls of Toyota vehicles in the U.S.
While network effects do affect market share flows, quality prevails.
Project leaders should frame projects the same way marketing managers frame branding efforts.
Why are companies still using snail mail to deliver information that customers need in real time?
Project networks provide the expertise to handle complex, knowledge-intensive team projects.
From time to time a project truly stands out, creating exceptional value and having an impact on the industry.
Managers must understand which competencies they can safely outsource and which they should manage internally.
Outsourcing complex product development work subjects companies to significant uncertainty.
There are five steps managers can take to protect their complex and vulnerable supply chains.
To extract the most business value from university research, companies need to follow seven rules.
Supply chain managers can impact sustainability in areas such as packaging and transportation.