Executing Strategy
Executing Strategy
Building Effective Business Relationships in China
Developing trust between Chinese and Western executives still takes time — and attention to detail.
How to Create Productive Partnerships With Universities
Companies can improve collaborations with universities by giving more thought to relationship structure.
Business Models
Achieving Successful Strategic Transformation
This article explores the distinctive traits of companies that successfully transform themselves.
Developing Strategy
Are CEOs Getting the Best From Corporate Functions?
At too many large companies, corporate functions like HR and IT don’t get enough strategic direction from the CEO.
Executing Strategy
Why Dominant Companies Are Vulnerable
When consumers feel that their choices are restricted, many respond by leaving the market leader.
Is Your Company Ready for Open Innovation?
Without successful implementation, the benefits of open innovation strategies will not materialize.
Climate Change
How Gap Inc. Engaged With its Stakeholders
When the Gap decided to overhaul the way it interacted with critics, it launched a strategy of stakeholder engagement.
Executing Strategy
Best Practices for Industry-University Collaboration
To extract the most business value from university research, companies need to follow seven rules.
Executing Strategy
Do You Have A “Plan B”?
Many companies have trouble making the transition from a failing business model to one that works. Often, one culprit is an inability to experiment.
Executing Strategy
The importance of tolerating failure
A new working paper explores the relationship between tolerance for failure and innovation.
Executing Strategy
A Manager’s Guide to Human Irrationalities
People aren’t stupid – they just often act that way. Noted behavioral economist Dan Ariely explains what that should mean for strategists.