Proven Tactics for Improving Teams’ Psychological Safety
A study points to evidence-based practices that can make employees feel safer speaking up about ethics concerns at work.
A study points to evidence-based practices that can make employees feel safer speaking up about ethics concerns at work.
UC Berkeley’s Ziad Obermeyer discusses how machine learning and AI are being used for medical research and diagnoses.
Building responsible AI systems starts with recognizing that technology solutions implicitly prioritize efficiency.
Decisions that have moral consequences often require sustained and systematic consideration.
In an era of complex ethics algorithms and DEI/CSP/ESG checklists, simpler is better.
Once leaders address their company’s historical transgressions, they can work to create a more positive legacy.
Fostering a culture where character is valued equally alongside competence can result in better decisions and outcomes.
ADP’s Jack Berkowitz explains the benefits of having data strategy, data products, and AI oversight within the CDO role.
The 2022 MIT SMR-BCG responsible AI report finds that leaders view RAI as important but few prioritize it in practice.
An empowered strategic integrity function is key to developing a more proactive and systemic approach to governance.
This issue of MIT SMR looks at corporate values and purpose, risk management, and the role of the CFO in acquisitions.
Reporting on unethical conduct in the workplace is linked to employees’ degree of psychological safety.
When we rely on machines to make decisions, we substitute data-driven calculations for human judgment.
Driving culture change with organizational network analysis, responding strategically to cyberattacks, and building human rights strategies.
When their operations intersect with labor or human rights abuses, companies need to have a plan of action at the ready.
Salesforce’s Paula Goldman discusses how the tech company produces value-creating solutions with ethics in mind.
To reduce ethical lapses, organizations need systems for anticipation and systems for resilience.
The pandemic’s impact on business strategy, digital superpowers to thrive through disruption, and “explicit uncertainty” to avoid algorithmic harm.
Robert Chesnut, Airbnb’s first chief ethics officer, shares his experience shaping ethical technology policies.
To address algorithms’ potential harm, companies must be willing to focus on users and rethink their business models.