Climate Change Duke Energy’s Plan To Take Over Your Kitchen — and Take Down Your Energy Use Jim Rogers (Duke Energy), interviewed by Michael S. Hopkins May 12, 2011
Climate Change Video: From “Trust Me” to “Show Me”: Moving Sustainability at Shell Oil From “Priority” to “Core Value” Marvin Odum (Shell Oil), interviewed by Michael S. Hopkins March 23, 2011
Business Models New Sustainability Study: The ‘Embracers’ Seize Advantage Knut Haanaes, Balu Balagopal, Ming Teck Kong, Ingrid Velken, David Arthur, Michael S. Hopkins and Nina Kruschwitz March 23, 2011
Climate Change From “Trust Me” to “Show Me”: Moving Sustainability at Shell Oil From “Priority” to “Core Value” Marvin Odum (Shell Oil), interviewed by Michael S. Hopkins March 15, 2011
Climate Change What’s Your Company’s Sustainability Filter? Roberta Bowman (Duke Energy), interviewed by Michael S. Hopkins January 18, 2011