Digital Marketing
Should You Use the Value of a “Like” as a Metric?
Social media strategy shouldn’t be seen as the driver of value difference between a company’s fans and nonfans.
Social media strategy shouldn’t be seen as the driver of value difference between a company’s fans and nonfans.
Although the simplicity of net promoter score is appealing, the metric has limited support from academics.
Market share is a hugely popular metric. But is it really useful?
Social media provides a game-changing opportunity to support innovation and new product development.
Despite their importance, five popular marketing metrics are regularly misunderstood and misused.
Crowdfunding backers are important for the feedback, ideas, and word of mouth they provide to entrepreneurs.
Content websites can convert visitors to paying customers by engaging them in a “ladder of participation.”
On February 23 and 24, MIT SMR is completely dropping the site’s paygates.
By tweeting, CEOs have an opportunity to initiate and influence online conversations.
Smartphone maker Xiaomi cultivates user pride through user-centered and open innovation.
At the Metropolitan Museum of Art, digital and social media is bringing art and treasures to the world.
“Lawsourcing” campaigns are helping smaller organizations advance legal and public relations goals.
Social media as a tool for brand promotion has its drawbacks, but a sound strategy can lead to business rewards.
The Holy Grail of modern online marketing is video content that “goes viral.” So how does it happen?
There is no one-size-fits-all strategy for social media marketing. Instead, companies need to tailor campaigns to fit their products.
Mitel’s social media policy encourages employees to use their “best judgment” in posting. Does it work?
New research shows that mobile advertising targeted to consumers based on their locations can be effective.
Social media environments challenge managers to think in nonlinear ways about their business.
To thrive in today’s retail environment means reexamining how both information and products are delivered.
Social media is just the latest in a long line of transformative technologies changing how business is conducted.