Developing Strategy
Should Antitrust Intervene to Break Up Big Tech?
How should antitrust policy shape the future of Big Tech?
How should antitrust policy shape the future of Big Tech?
No matter how compelling it seems, data alone won’t win people over unless infused with a story.
The true underperformers in this digital disruption era are not measures but their managers.
How will companies respond to Trump administration rollbacks of environmental regulations?
Early AI winners align organizational and business strategies to build value and manage risk.
Why do workable analytics-based strategies always seem to fail when the playoffs start?
Major makeovers should benefit — and be noticed by — those who buy a company’s products and services.
We’ve unlocked our site and curated reading lists to help you solve your key business problems.
Re-skilling done right, telling a good data story, and three big points on disrupting yourself.
If companies want to compete with blockchain, they must first cooperate to develop standards.
This case study follows Mondelez International’s project to implement RPA as part of its AI journey.
WeWork’s disastrous week, AI breaks down business silos, and the most important leadership skill.
Find the sweet spot between what digital technologies can deliver and what customers need.
The post-digital tech wave — a powerful, integrated stack of technologies — is coming next.
Brand collaborations can benefit both partners, but there are limits on how many can participate.
MIT SMR and BCG host a Twitter chat focused on the corporate adoption of AI.
As sports become ever more analytical, can there be such a thing as too much data?
Why do some business ecosystems dominate their markets over time while others fail?
Top-down management is good for building operational excellence but not rapid innovation.
Good culture is critical for striking the balance between strategic alignment and organizational agility.