Data & Data Culture
What to Do When Industry Disruption Threatens Your Career
If your industry faces disruption, first diagnose the volatility. Then act preemptively to disrupt your own career.
If your industry faces disruption, first diagnose the volatility. Then act preemptively to disrupt your own career.
Join MIT SMR Connections and SAS for a Twitter chat on how to make sure your data is trustworthy.
An infographic highlights research findings on best practices underlying data-driven innovation.
New research by MIT SMR Connections and SAS reveals how organizations build trust in analytics.
AI-powered systems are joining humans in the workforce, with implications for management strategy.
We’re in the midst of a big data revolution, but not all companies are flourishing in this new era.
Cloud computing with rigid borders and boundaries will become a reality in the near term.
Data on its own has value, but insights from that data substantially increase its value.
An industry executive and a scholar discuss how AI-based tools can transform the retail business.
Prediction is appealing, but detection may be equally valuable for businesses.
Data best supports marketing when researchers fully understand what they want to measure and how.
Five steps to make sure your data and analytics efforts pay off in the long term.
Companies see investment in data capabilities as the only way to compete.
MIT SMR’s 2018 Data & Analytics Report finds a link between customer engagement and data analytics.
MIT SMR hosts a Twitter chat on analytics and customer service on March 1, 2018, at 11 a.m. EST #MITSMRChat.
Data audits may be helpful in maintaining balance between data-rich and data-poor companies.
A new survey reports companies are now seeing a direct correlation between big data and AI success.
Video: Two of the biggest barriers to corporate adoption of AI are access to talent and usable data.
Given the growing importance of data to companies, how should managers measure its value?
Business leaders need to prioritize effective, two-way communication with their data scientists.