Data & Data Culture
Why Culture Is the Greatest Barrier to Data Success
Companies need to evolve and shift thinking around what it means to have a data-driven culture.
Companies need to evolve and shift thinking around what it means to have a data-driven culture.
To drive major change, companies must link data quality and data science within the organization.
A Q&A with AWS’s Rahul Pathak on the advantages of transitioning your company to a data-driven enterprise.
Companies today are swimming in data — but how do we build a data strategy that creates value?
Developing AI-enabled business models, managing corporate social responsibility, and growing digital ecosystems.
Companies and leaders must strive to build business models using three key components for growth.
Big data mining is no longer enough. Data exchanges will shape new economic ecosystems.
Assessments about China’s strengths in AI may be overblown.
Business leaders must rethink data management to succeed with machine learning.
Our experts weigh in on market implications from California’s new consumer privacy act.
Companies already use data to make marketing decisions. Will deep learning enable a leap forward?
A classic bar, line, or pie chart is often the best choice for communicating information.
To avoid bias, people-centered design principles must be the foundation of deep-learning algorithms.
Data and algorithms can mitigate gender bias in venture capital funding.
As AI becomes more ubiquitous, we need clear systems for keeping it in check.
New research by MIT SMR Connections and NETSCOUT reveals IT leaders’ data analytics priorities.
Smart machines can help pick crops and reduce traffic — but what’s their impact on privacy?
Organizations can benefit from four activities in their journey toward better digital trust.
How CIOs and analytics executives can work together to build cultures that trust data-driven investigation and insights.
It’s not enough to be right. You also have to sell your model or idea to have an impact.