Data & Data Culture
Preparing Analytics for a Strategic Role
The way health care is billed in the U.S. system is part of the reason costs are so high. WellPoint is looking to analytics to play a strategic role in changing that.
The way health care is billed in the U.S. system is part of the reason costs are so high. WellPoint is looking to analytics to play a strategic role in changing that.
A recent report by MIT CISR details how comScore organizes internally to create value from big data.
Big data analysis can help geographically distributed companies monitor customer satisfaction.
Healthcare systems are coming back to their roots, using geographic information systems to shape healthcare.
Managers have an increasing appetite for analytics, according to a 2013 MIT Sloan Management Review / SAS survey.
Three recent books offer expert perspectives on the increasing power and importance of analytics.
It’s the early days of a data revolution — but even so, not every decision should be data-driven.
Stanford Law Review warns against Big Data’s potential for abuse.
Smart cities, and opportunities as part of their development, abound. The question is, at what cost?
Google and the U.S. government are uneasy dance partners when it comes to data and privacy.
Social media and digital advertising are colliding. Could this lead to market manipulation?
Big Data tests corporate patience, but breakthroughs on big questions are emerging.
Governments and large companies may turn Big Data into a new source of concentrated power.
Keeping track of data and creating value from it may require more than technology.
Consumers want to know when they’re being watched, and have changing expectations about privacy and data mining.