What Can Managers Learn about Social Media from the Boston Marathon Bombing?
Social media lessons for managers from the Boston Marathon bombing.
Social media lessons for managers from the Boston Marathon bombing.
CIOs face challenges in maintaining leadership in social business within the C-suite.
Employee orientation practices that focus on individual identity can lower employee turnover.
The art of collaboration is one that many research and development organizations have yet to master.
How South African brewer SABMiller changed its water practices to make its beer more sustainable.
Chubb wanted to accelerate its innovation process and its field response time. Its answer? Build a more social business.
Car-sharing saves money and emissions for drivers, and makes money for the companies coordinating.
Cisco’s social educational platform, Learning@Cisco, is a key hub for people in IT around the globe.
At Enterasys Networks, social tools are creating a flatter and more transparent company.
Some managers in our 2012 global executive survey are seeing profits from their sustainability-related activities.
Getting ideas from customers is a norm; some companies get ideas from customers’ customers, too.
Timberland’s creative new ways to involve employees, suppliers and competitors in its sustainability work.
GE’s internal social network, GE Colab, is connecting up the firm’s 115,000 employees around the globe.
A recent study by FedEx and Ketchum suggests that social technologies help companies build better relationships.
Can you really make sense of huge amounts of data? Yes, say researchers from Facebook and Microsoft.
Author and consultant Nilofer Merchant tells companies there’s more to social than “social media.”
Logistics clusters create jobs that are difficult to move offshore and lead to economic growth.