New Product Development
Following the Digital Thread: Testing and Validation
Part 6 of our eight-part video series looks at quality assurance in additive manufacturing.
Part 6 of our eight-part video series looks at quality assurance in additive manufacturing.
Part 5 of our eight-part video series looks at digital additive manufacturing systems.
Part 4 of our eight-part video series looks at how digital simulation makes product testing more efficient.
In Part 3 of our eight-part video series, we examine how topology optimization makes design more cost-effective.
Part 2 of our eight-part video series explores design as the starting point for digital production.
Part 1 of our eight-part video series explores how integrated digital technologies can transform business.
Our eight-part video series explores how integrated digital technologies can transform business.
Video: Two of the biggest barriers to corporate adoption of AI are access to talent and usable data.
Michael E. Porter and James E. Heppelmann discuss the five questions for incorporating AR into your own strategy and implementation plans.
Pete Maulik and Joey Bergstein discuss three fundamental truths for building an effective future-focused growth strategy.
Michael Schrage and Mark Foster discuss how technology leaders can best create and inspire change.
A webinar on how a documented data and analytics strategy can serve as a blueprint to guide marketers and decision makers in their daily roles.
Watch a free, on-demand webinar with MIT research scientist Matthias Winkenbach on how interactive visualization and augmented reality technology to change the way we access, understand, and utilize complex systems and logistics data.
Companies focusing on technology are missing a key driver of digital transformation: talent.
How is business actually using artificial intelligence?
A new phase of technology-enhanced work is upon us.
A panel at the 2017 MIT CIO Symposium discusses how artificial intelligence will transform how we work.
The challenges of leading companies through the AI revolution were examined in a recent symposium.
In this webinar, MIT SMR authors Sam Ransbotham and David Kiron discussed why data governance is becoming more and more important to analytical innovators.