Executing Strategy
Building the Right Ecosystem for Innovation
Companies seeking tech alliances to stay competitive may benefit from an adaptive ecosystem model.
Companies seeking tech alliances to stay competitive may benefit from an adaptive ecosystem model.
This MIT SMR webinar offers strategies for how to get the most out of AI’s potential.
Competitive speed and cheaper apps spell the end to requirements gathering and testing for new tech.
Mature companies often lack the vision and the commitment to fully commit to new technologies.
New technology-driven business models are undercutting the traditional advantages of economies of scale.
Michael E. Porter and James E. Heppelmann discuss the five questions for incorporating AR into your own strategy and implementation plans.
AI has driven soaring expectations and stock prices. So why has productivity growth declined?
Companies often struggle to establish and run university partnerships effectively.
Technology innovation offers an opportunity to resolve pressing social and environmental problems.
It’s not smart to base any part of your strategy on what you see in the rear-view mirror.
Integrating new technologies with legacy systems is both a problem and an opportunity.
When it comes to digital transformation, digital is not the answer. Transformation is.
A global survey finds that AI is delivering value to companies that use it across operations.
People, organizations, and policy respond to technological advances at different rates.
AI offers a potential solution to the problem of training employees how to find and use data.
Thanks to technologies like 3-D printing, a new supply chain model is emerging.
The novelty of self-driving cars overshadows the real promise of AI: augmentation of human skills.
The transformative potential of blockchain is real, but so are the challenges to its implementation.
Businesses should understand that in the long run, the promise of AI is self-limiting.
To grasp how artificial intelligence will change organizations, understand how it delivers value.