Talent Management
Solving the Advanced Analytics Talent Problem
To solve the issue of advanced analytics talent concentration, companies need to think creatively.
To solve the issue of advanced analytics talent concentration, companies need to think creatively.
The skills, processes, and frameworks that can help managers lead through times of uncertainty and disruption.
To make gender equality a reality, organizations need to look at values, not priorities.
Five practical strategies for motivated employees who want to stand out from the crowd.
Elite soccer academies are using analytics to help identify future star talent in the schoolyard.
Organizations need algorithmic smarts to excel in the future of work.
A conversation with Accenture researchers on recent advances in artificial intelligence and what’s to come.
A webinar examines recent innovations in digital talent identification.
A look at 1990s hockey defender Larry Murphy holds lessons for team building.
Until regulations catch up, AI-oriented companies must establish their own ethical frameworks.
Sports analytics shows that the best performance enhancer is sleep.
A Twitter chat featuring Ben Alamar examines how sports analytics can inform companies’ use of data.
What if, instead of perpetuating harmful biases, AI helped us overcome them?
Digital tools are making the hiring process easier and more precise — despite their limitations.
Why do losing teams often out-perform winners at the box office?
Would NBA teams make fewer draft mistakes if they measured basketball IQ?
Leaders at the forefront of making organizations AI-driven have seven key attributes.
One university president doesn’t feel colleges adequately prepare students to join the workforce in today’s digital era but cites one way his institution is helping its student body.
HR’s move away from traditional performance reviews is a mistake that will backfire.