Leveraging the Extended Enterprise: MITRE’s Handshake Tool Builds Virtual Collaboration
A social business tool is helping U.S. government agencies crowdsource collaboration.
A social business tool is helping U.S. government agencies crowdsource collaboration.
China is becoming the best place to learn how to make ideas commercially viable.
Companies are increasingly turning to contests to generate many diverse ideas.
This year’s award goes to the authors of “Creating Employee Networks That Deliver Open Innovation.”
The art of collaboration is one that many research and development organizations have yet to master.
Open innovation was used in diabetes research to bring greater openness into every stage of research.
Companies can improve collaborations with universities by giving more thought to relationship structure.
An intriguing new book discusses the traits of serial innovators at established companies.
Using digital design in product development has potential downsides as well as advantages.
The current approach to measuring patent quality is not serving the world’s patent systems.
New research finds that investments companies make in information technology increase profitability and sales more than investments in advertising or R&D do.
Consumers generate massive amounts of product innovation — which has significant implications for new product development.
Lessons for managers who are listening to social media.
According to von Hippel, users are often the first source of new products.
Without successful implementation, the benefits of open innovation strategies will not materialize.
The key to open innovation? Ensuring outside ideas reach the people best equipped to exploit them.
From time to time a project truly stands out, creating exceptional value and having an impact on the industry.