Product Development
Innovation Strategy
What Was Obvious No Longer Is
Recent Supreme Court rulings have changed IP protections.
Innovation Strategy
Strategic Innovation at the Base of the Pyramid
Innovation in developing markets has less to do with finding new customers than addressing issues of product acceptability, affordability, availability and awareness.
Marketing Strategy
Finding the Right Job For Your Product
Most companies segment their markets by customer demographics or product characteristics and differentiate their offerings by adding features and functions. But the consumer has a different view of the marketplace. He simply has a job to be done and is seeking to “hire” the best product or service to do it. Marketers must adopt that perspective.
Business Models
The 12 Different Ways for Companies to Innovate
A framework called the “innovation radar” can help companies identify opportunities for innovation.
New Product Development
Does Knowledge Sharing Pay Off?
Some techniques seem to drive new product development better than others.