The Customer-Inventor Revolution
The ways that consumer-users improve product through tinkering has evolved over the past decade.
The ways that consumer-users improve product through tinkering has evolved over the past decade.
In this webinar, Thomas H. Davenport and Stephan Kudyba discuss the process of developing a new generation of data products.
Live webinar with MIT SMR authors of “Designing and Developing Analytics-Based Data Products.”
The information economy is giving way to an economy focused on analytics-based data products.
What’s happening this week at the intersection of management and technology: A/B testing as a management tool; telepresence robotics for a more inclusive workforce; three rules for leading successful virtual meetings.
Fast, iterative “virtual research centers” are edging out traditional approaches to R&D.
Tech consortia help reduce patent risk, but managers must weigh the pros and cons for innovation.
What’s happening this week at the intersection of management and technology.
Companies must better gauge whether potential customers will appreciate their innovations.
Companies often don’t focus enough on understanding how customers decide what to purchase.
Products connected to the Internet of Things are providing unprecedented levels of information.
A successful innovation developed by Cisco’s R&D unit in India offers practical insights.
Operational excellence requires cultivating an expectation for continuous improvement in all employees.
Smartphone maker Xiaomi cultivates user pride through user-centered and open innovation.
Companies from Apple to Unilever employ life-cycle assessment in their sustainability work and reap hidden benefits.
The ideal window of opportunity to enter a new industry starts when a dominant category label is introduced.
A focus on environment helped BASF to transform both its product lines and its culture.
Unconventional approaches to innovation are speeding up new product development, making R&D faster and cheaper.
Chinese companies are reengineering new product development in ways that reduce lead times.
A new framework helps identify the best strategy for a particular product or service.