Organizational Psychology
Why Project Networks Beat Project Teams
Project networks provide the expertise to handle complex, knowledge-intensive team projects.
Project Management
What Great Projects Have in Common
From time to time a project truly stands out, creating exceptional value and having an impact on the industry.
Supply Chains & Logistics
What Happens When You Outsource Too Much?
Managers must understand which competencies they can safely outsource and which they should manage internally.
Innovation Strategy
The 5 Myths of Innovation
Increasingly, innovation is being applied to the development of new service offerings, business models, pricing plans and management practices.
Innovation Strategy
How to Develop a Successful Technology Licensing Program
Six practices can help companies implement licensing as part of an open innovation strategy.
On the Rocky Road to Strong Global Culture
It’s not easy to build a strong culture worldwide. “Cultural hubs” beyond headquarters can help.
The Collective Intelligence Genome
Large, loosely organized groups of people can work together electronically in surprisingly effective ways.
Supply Chains & Logistics
Your Next Supply Chain
How have strategies for supply chain design changed? Two leading thinkers offer insights.
Climate Change
The Business of Sustainability: What It Means to Managers Now
In 2009, the business concerns with sustainability intersected with an urgent global economic crisis.
Executing Strategy
Do You Have A “Plan B”?
Many companies have trouble making the transition from a failing business model to one that works. Often, one culprit is an inability to experiment.