Content sponsored by AWS
Becoming a Data-Driven Enterprise: Meeting the Challenges, Changing the Culture
A Q&A with AWS’s Rahul Pathak on the advantages of transitioning your company to a data-driven enterprise.
A Q&A with AWS’s Rahul Pathak on the advantages of transitioning your company to a data-driven enterprise.
A human-AI workforce, today’s tech bubble, dealing with deregulation, a misplaced focus on metrics.
Some want big tech companies broken up. Others call for stiffer industry oversight. Who’s right?
New research by MIT SMR Connections and NETSCOUT reveals IT leaders’ data analytics priorities.
New research by MIT SMR Connections and SAS reveals how organizations build trust in analytics.
Recording expectations improves decision quality, risk management, and leadership development.
Miscommunications between decision makers and data scientists are common. Enter the data translator.
Many financial firms in South Africa are investing in analytics technologies and human capital to build capabilities that strengthen customer relationships and set the stage for long-term growth through data-driven services.
Following initial experiments to see what the city’s data would reveal, Amsterdam is now using that information to spur innovations and improve services for citizens, businesses and tourists alike.
GE is positioning itself to make the Industrial Internet a strong component of a more efficient oil and gas industry.
Most companies seem to be better at collecting data than using what they collect to create value.