Executing Strategy
Integrating Supply and Demand
Joining the supply and demand sides of an enterprise presents an opportunity for efficiency and value creation.
Joining the supply and demand sides of an enterprise presents an opportunity for efficiency and value creation.
The NHL’s following on Pinterest outscores all other sports leagues. Its secret: a mastery of social media strategy.
Smartphone apps that provide consumers with helpful information can improve users’ trust in a brand.
Nestlé UK had customers vote for a new candy bar flavor — and increased customer engagement.
Digital technologies are helping companies finesse trade-offs between complexity’s costs and benefits.
Wells Fargo Bank used ethnography to better understand how customers use its products.
Customers are unsatisfied with complaint handling despite years of effort. A new approach is needed.
Letting unprofitable customers go is an option, but so is training them out of expensive behavior.
Emphasizing customer participation is an important vehicle for generating valuable repeat business.
Customer satisfaction leads to customer loyalty. Here are three factors that are key.
The new world of omnichannel retailing includes physical, online and mobile channels.
Should you offer your best prices to new customers or existing ones?
Mobile technology is blurring the boundaries between traditional and Internet retailing.
Top Starbucks executives Adam Brotman and Curt Garner discuss their company’s digital strategy.
Though online retailers have unlimited trading areas, they must learn where to best find customers.
Optimizing processes only takes companies so far. Success requires applying data with compassion.
SAPs ten-year-old online network has nearly three million members.
Almost any business can improve its pricing performance, if it broaches pricing in a structured way.
The experiences of Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Gmail offer four keys for entering platform markets.
To improve online communities, companies need to enhance communication among custoemrs.