Innovation Strategy
Innovation Lessons From 3-D Printing
How should companies respond to game-changing open-source innovations from online user communities?
How should companies respond to game-changing open-source innovations from online user communities?
For the Lego Group, a close bond with user communities is not a pipe dream but a reality.
Innovation often comes from tweakers who take existing ideas and turn them into something better.
What if traditional views of the innovation process are flawed? Thoughts from MIT’s Eric von Hippel.
Companies can work with consumer innovators, or “casual entrepreneurs,” by understanding their lead users.
Consumers generate massive amounts of product innovation — which has significant implications for new product development.
According to von Hippel, users are often the first source of new products.
When two business models, and two business units, make sense.
A new working paper looks at customers’ role in innovation in a service industry: banking.
Grameen Bank and others know that you get the best answers by burying yourself in the questions.