Global Strategy
Negotiating With Chinese Investors
Chinese companies are increasingly investing overseas — and bring a different negotiating style.
Chinese companies are increasingly investing overseas — and bring a different negotiating style.
China continues to be the best place to go to learn how to make ideas commercially viable.
The problem of the domineering corporate headquarters resonates with executives of multinationals.
Across a broad swath of industries, multinationals are losing ground in emerging markets to local players.
As China takes center stage as an international economic powerhouse, it stands to benefit by implementing integrated reporting. Will it succeed?
MIT Sloan faculty discuss their research on the growth opportunities in Latin America and China.
Unconventional approaches to innovation are speeding up new product development, making R&D faster and cheaper.
An unexpected partnership emerged when Asia Pulp negotiated with Greenpeace.
In China, demand for skilled business managers exceeds supply. Can leadership self-development programs address that gap?
In today’s global economy, few large companies can afford to ignore China in their plans for growth.
China is becoming the best place to learn how to make ideas commercially viable.
Companies doing business in China need to manage their intellectual property vulnerabilities proactively.
After a period of remarkable growth, China now faces substantial economic and political challenges.
Chinese companies are reengineering new product development in ways that reduce lead times.
A new Chinese edition will bring MIT SMR content to the burgeoning Chinese market.
Some well-known companies have stumbled in e-commerce in China. To succeed requires new thinking.
Developing trust between Chinese and Western executives still takes time — and attention to detail.
To reach the “next billion” consumers, multinational companies need to create new networks of local partners.
Do multinational companies need to give Chinese suppliers better incentives to comply with safety standards?
Leading companies are working with their Chinese suppliers to improve environmental performance.