Big Idea Social Business
Social Business Global Research Reports
Key Insights from the MIT SMR Social Business Initiative
IT Governance & Leadership
Adobe Reinvents Its Customer Experience
Adobe uses a variety of social business activities to create a great experience for employees and customers.
Managing Your Career
What Companies Should Learn About Social Media From American Politics
Companies looking to social media for guidance in decision making should be wary of the “filter bubble” effect.
Balancing Tradeoffs in Social Media
If companies want to succeed at social business, they need to develop a culture that embraces social media.
Social Media
Digital Transparency and Permanence
How can enterprises balance the good and the bad of digital transparency?
Social Media
The Workplace of the Future
Thanks to technology, the office of the future is going to look very different from what we’ve been used to.
Social Media Expands Horizons for Workers with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Social media is a tool that allows autistic workers to better express their unique abilities — and tech companies are taking notice.
Social Media
Thinking Outside the [Penalty] Box
The NHL’s following on Pinterest outscores all other sports leagues. Its secret: a mastery of social media strategy.
Are You Part of the Email Problem?
Over-reliance on email is sapping people’s time and energy, says author Phil Simon. There are better ways to do things.
‘People Analytics’ Through Super-Charged ID Badges
Humanyze helps interpret social data so that businesses can identify the best collaborative practices of the most effective people.
Social Media’s Expanding Relationship Universe
Social media is changing how people relate to one another, say social psychologists.