Connecting the Dots in the Enterprise
Andrew McAfee’s new book looks at Enterprise 2.0 tools as a way to span organizational networks.
Supply Chains & Logistics
Outcome-Driven Supply Chains
Supply chains should be designed and managed to deliver one or more of six basic outcomes.
How to Change a Culture: Lessons From NUMMI
GM and Toyota launched their joint auto plant where GM’s work force had been at its worst. Here’s what happened next.
Marketing Strategy
Why the Highest Price Isn’t the Best Price
Organizations can pick price points that provide both profits and long-term value to suppliers.
Developing Strategy
Why Forecasts Fail. What to Do Instead
Managers need to learn from history about what they can and cannot predict, and develop plans that are sensitive to surprises.
Digital Marketing
How Not to Market on the Web
Ads that complement online content can be effective — but not if they rouse consumers’ privacy concerns.
Supply Chains & Logistics
Your Next Supply Chain
How have strategies for supply chain design changed? Two leading thinkers offer insights.