Winter 2002 Issue
WINTER 2002 VOL. 43 · NO. 2 Has Strategy Changed? Globalization has quietly transformed the economic playing field. The traditional strategic paradigms (positioning, core competence and the like) are not dead, but they are less germane. The new global economy is more entrepreneurial and centers on disequilibrium, fleeting opportunities to capture competitive advantage, and the […]
The Death of the Open Web
Wireless networks and microcharging will change the Internet as we know it.
The Real Value of Customer Loyalty
Customer-lifetime value is more than a metric; it’s a way of thinking and of doing business.
Executing Strategy
Maximizing Value Through Diversification
Diversifying can be the best way for companies to match their capabilities to the marketplace.
Shopping for R&D
A pair of new research studies points to strategies for making the most of technology acquisitions.
Project Management
Managing Project Uncertainty: From Variation to Chaos
Project managers can’t predict the future, but accurately gauging the degree of uncertainty inherent in their projects can help them quickly adapt to it.