Spring 2002 Issue
SPRING 2002 VOL. 43 · NO. 3 Is Your E-Business Plan Radical Enough? The authors maintain that an economic downturn offers the perfect opportunity to get back into the e-business game. That means resisting the temptation to fob off e-business onto the IT department and instead treating it as a long-term, strategic, integral part of […]
Leadership Skills
The Principles of Decision Making
Walking the fine edge between efficiency and consensus.
Boards & Corporate Governance
The Perils of Power
Farsighted investors can check wayward founder-CEOs by creating strong and independent boards.
Marketing Strategy
Pricing as a Strategic Capability
If pricing isn’t a strategic capability — a contributor to a company’s ability to implement its strategy — it’s probably a strategic liability.
Foundations for Growth: How to Identify and Build Disruptive New Businesses
To maintain growth, a company must launch disruptive new businesses when its core units are strong.
Developing Strategy
The Elements of Platform Leadership
Platform leadership is the ability of a company to drive innovation around a particular platform technology at the broad industry level.