Analytics & Business Intelligence
Unleashing the Potential of Supply Chain Analytics
To fully benefit from supply chain analytics, companies need to be able to act on insights quickly.
To fully benefit from supply chain analytics, companies need to be able to act on insights quickly.
With digital skills in short supply, companies must rethink the ways they engage with key talent.
Online personalization algorithms are leading many content viewers to narrower choices.
What makes a digital leader? The ability to challenge the status quo and take risks.
How is business actually using artificial intelligence?
It pays to ask yourself whether your job is common and repetitive enough to be done by a machine.
A curated excerpt from Tap by Anindya Ghose.
A new phase of technology-enhanced work is upon us.
The value of enterprise-level AI depends on what an organization’s people do with it.
University of Chicago’s Berkeley Dietvorst explains why we can’t let go of human judgment — to our own detriment.
A panel at the 2017 MIT CIO Symposium discusses how artificial intelligence will transform how we work.
A featured excerpt from The Mathematical Corporation by Josh Sullivan and Angela Zutavern.
Haier CEO Zhang Ruimin is transforming a manufacturing giant into a platform for entrepreneurship.
The challenges of leading companies through the AI revolution were examined in a recent symposium.
In a thought-powered world, leaders must look beyond planning and execution and inspire ingenuity.
Thanks to technologies like 3-D printing, a new supply chain model is emerging.
Large amounts of data don’t inherently remove sampling bias; in fact, they may make it worse.
Some companies are using assessment tools to help identify employees with leadership potential.
Sharing consumers’ positive stories about a brand can be a highly effective marketing strategy.