AI & Machine Learning
Could AI Be the Cure for Workplace Gender Inequality?
Artificial intelligence is beginning to replace many of the workplace roles that men dominate.
Artificial intelligence is beginning to replace many of the workplace roles that men dominate.
There are four different paths companies can take to become top performers in the digital economy.
Business models that use platform network effects for competitive advantage risk may not be viable.
For young adults, even a single day without access to their cellphones can be anxiety-producing.
The cost of bad data is an astonishing 15% to 25% of revenue for most companies.
Within organizations, cybersecurity needs to be everyone’s business — including the board’s.
For digital success, CIOs must oversee all of IT, collaborating with marketers and business units.
Our digital world is rendering traditional intermediaries obsolete. Make sure you are not one of them.
As you explore how software bots can automate tasks, keep in mind some of the accompanying risks.
Assessing your company’s digital intelligence offers a road map for your digital journey.
Artificial intelligence helps doctors make better diagnoses. It can do the same for corporate leaders.
Featured excerpt from WTF? What’s the Future and Why It’s Up to Us by Tim O’Reilly.
Trust in its brand (and its reach) positions Amazon to expand into financial services.
The sports industry’s use of analytics on and off the field highlights three key strategies for success.
A global survey finds that AI is delivering value to companies that use it across operations.
Featured excerpt from Sensemaking: The Power of the Humanities in the Age of the Algorithm.
Identifying the optimal prices for products was once a time-consuming process. That’s changing.
Digitization demands an unprecedented focus on cooperation and collaboration.
Online product recommendation networks can spread demand from one product to another.