Ask Sanyin: How to Approach Layoffs With Compassion

In this short video, leaders can learn how to handle the difficult task of layoffs with humanity and compassion.

Reading Time: <1 minute


Coaching for the Future-Forward Leader

Leadership roles come with new personal and professional challenges — and Sanyin Siang, board and CEO coach, adviser, and author, is here to help with an advice column for top managers.
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Layoffs, especially ones involving large numbers of employees, are extremely difficult for both the staff members losing their jobs and the teams they’re leaving behind. How a leader handles these hard situations can significantly shape how laid-off workers view their entire experience at the company and set the tone for the rest of the team going forward. Making careful decisions and treating everyone involved with humanity and respect can make the process less stressful. In this brief video, MIT SMR columnist Sanyin Siang shares her tips for gracefully handling layoffs — one of the most dreaded duties a leader can face.

For more advice on how to keep your team on track when dealing with layoffs, read Sanyin’s original column, “Ask Sanyin: What’s the Right Way to Carry Out Layoffs?


Coaching for the Future-Forward Leader

Leadership roles come with new personal and professional challenges — and Sanyin Siang, board and CEO coach, adviser, and author, is here to help with an advice column for top managers.
More in this series

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