Take the Sustainability & Innovation Survey

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Please join MIT Sloan Management Review in our efforts to better understand the business and management implications of sustainability by taking our online survey of executives and managers.

Along with knowledge partner The Boston Consulting group, and with support from Royal Dutch Shell, we are continuing our inquiry into how organizations are responding to sustainability-related business forces. We’re eager to hear how you and your company are thinking and competing and invite you to participate.

The 2010 Sustainability & Innovation Survey will benchmark critical aspects of current sustainability practice and yield insights into where organizations – and the state of management thinking – are headed.

To thank you for participating, we’ll:

  • Send you the survey results as soon as they’re available (this fall)
  • Invite you to a webinar where leading thinkers and Michael S. Hopkins, MIT SMR Editor-in-Chief, interpret findings and answer your questions
  • Enter you for an opportunity to win a free SolarRoll charger.

Your contribution is a critical part of this important work; thank you for your help.

Take the Sustainability & Innovation Survey »

Also: Don’t miss “The Business of Sustainability,” last year’s Sustainability & Innovation survey and interview findings.


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Tapobrata Dey
Sustainability is the key of long term branding solution for any organizations. Consumers, employees, related all stake holders always thrive for this quest. But few companies till now achieve it. Sustainable growth only possible with a strong RnD support. Mobile handset company’s continuous efforts make them visible in this race. Green energy, carbon credit, philanthropic activity, CSR, solar and unconventional power consumptions are the possible solutions. But believe that, we need to make our self very clear in a single point. That is this only our earth or this is also the place and habitat of our next generation. If we avoid this question then think like Stephen Hocking..."we should go for other earth to live"....tapobrata dey, INDIA