#MITSMRChat: Sports Analytics, Basketball IQ, and Lessons for Leaders
Join us Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018, at 12 p.m. EST/9 a.m. PST for a Twitter Chat on sports analytics and basketball IQ.
Join MIT Sloan Management Review and MIT Sloan School of Management on Twitter at #MITSMRChat and learn about the intersection of business and sports analytics. The discussion centers around how insights from the sports industry can help your company excel at performance measurement.
The Twitter Chat will feature Counterpoints cohosts Ben Shields (@benryanshields) and Paul Michelman (@pmichelman) and guest Ben Alamar (@bencalamar). Shields is a senior lecturer at Sloan School of Management, and Michelman is the editor in chief at MIT Sloan Management Review. Alamar is a sports analytics expert, the author of Sports Analytics: A Guide for Coaches, Managers, and Other Decision Makers, and the former director of sports analytics at ESPN; he will share his data on how the NBA draft could make fewer mistakes if they measured basketball intelligence.
Listen to the first episode of Counterpoints (“The Quest to Measure Basketball IQ”), MIT SMR’s sports analytics podcast, before joining the Twitter Chat for a more in-depth experience. At the end of the chat, Shields, Michelman, and Alamar will take questions from participants.
To join the Twitter Chat, go to MIT Sloan Management Review’s Twitter feed at 12 p.m. EST on Dec. 6, or search Twitter for the hashtags #MITSMRChat or #MITSloanExperts to follow along.
Questions we’ll discuss include the following:
- How are analytics changing professional sports?
- What lessons from sports analytics can managers take away when facing the analytic challenges of performance measurement?
- Is basketball intelligence simply intelligence?
- Should NBA teams implement basketball IQ as part of the draft process?