Join Our Twitter Chat: Technology’s Implications for the Workforce
Join MIT SMR on Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 11 a.m. ET/8 a.m. PT to discuss how tech is changing organizations and their workforces.

This chat took place on Feb. 25, 2020. Download the transcript.
Everyone’s talking about “the future of work” — but is that future already here? We’re hosting this chat because we’re interested in discussing what the future means for companies and their workforces. Every field has been touched by digitalization, and new technologies promise to increase efficiencies by automating routine tasks and giving customers immediate access to new experiences. (Uber and Lyft wouldn’t exist without the smartphone, after all.) What does this mean for companies? How is work changing? And what does this mean for employees? Let’s talk about the new mindsets, skills, and career trajectories people need to continue cultivating to contribute to their organizations and find meaning in the work they do.
We hope you’ll join us Tuesday, Feb. 25, for this conversation.
To participate, head over to MIT Sloan Management Review’s Twitter feed (@mitsmr) at the chat start time, or search Twitter for the hashtag #MITSMRChat to follow along.
Add this event to your Outlook or iCal calendar.
Questions we’ll discuss include the following:
- Do you think employees want different things from their jobs and workplaces than they did in the past?
- Do you feel that companies are helping their employees develop and maintain the skills they need in order to be successful in the future?
- How is technology changing how work gets done?
- When technology is used to automate or augment certain tasks, what opportunities does that create for workers?
- How should organizations think about workforce planning over the next one to three years?
In advance of this chat, consider reviewing the following content from MIT SMR:
How Will Digital Trends Shape Your Career?
Take this short self-assessment to see how new ways of working are transforming organizations and what that might mean for your career.
Revisiting the Jobs Artificial Intelligence Will Create
MIT SMR’s Paul Michelman interviews authors Paul Daugherty and H. James Wilson about new categories of human jobs that have emerged as a result of advancing technologies.
Redefining Work for New Value: The Next Opportunity
Authors John Hagel, Jeff Schwartz, and Maggie Wooll suggest that the automation of routine tasks can free up workers to focus on new opportunities for value creation.