MIT SMR Unlocked for All Visitors
In celebration of growth, please enjoy full access to the MIT SMR site on March 20 and 21.
MIT Sloan Management Review experienced tremendous growth in readership in 2017, welcoming millions of new and returning readers to our site. In celebration, MIT SMR is unlocking its site today and tomorrow, allowing visitors to freely explore all of our articles, reports, posts, videos, webinars, tools, and case studies.
We encourage you to get to know all the remarkable things that MIT SMR has to offer. Some suggestions, as you browse:
Following the Digital Thread
Our popular new video series explores a revolutionary manufacturing approach: “digital thread.” Digital thread is moving the design, manufacture, and testing of industrial parts and machines completely into the digital sphere. The series follows the creation of an aviation part as it moves along the digital thread, creating a growing knowledge base of data and feedback as it evolves from design to final testing.
The Strategic Agility Project
Our ongoing series, in partnership with Donald Sull and team of the MIT Sloan School, draws on existing evidence and data analytics to answer a fundamental question: How can organizations achieve their strategic objectives? The series consists of research articles, supplemental pieces, and data visualizations.
Seven Technologies Remaking the World
This new report, proving popular on social media, gives executives an essential primer on seven core technologies — pervasive computing, wireless mesh networks, biotechnology, 3-D printing, machine learning, nanotechnology, and robotics — and describes their implications for commerce, health care, learning, and the environment.
The Truth About Corporate Transformation
This recent article is proving popular with readers. It looks at the drivers that determine the success or failure of attempted transformations, and suggests five factors that help lead to transformation success.
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chris dor