Building a More Intelligent Enterprise

In coming years, the most intelligent organizations will need to blend technology-enabled insights with a sophisticated understanding of human judgment, reasoning, and choice. Those that do this successfully will have an advantage over their rivals.

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To succeed in the long run, businesses need to create and leverage some kind of sustainable competitive edge. This advantage can still derive from such traditional sources as scale-driven lower cost, proprietary intellectual property, highly motivated employees, or farsighted strategic leaders. But in the knowledge economy, strategic advantages will increasingly depend on a shared capacity to make superior judgments and choices.

Intelligent enterprises today are being shaped by two distinct forces. The first is the growing power of computers and big data, which provide the foundation for operations research, forecasting models, and artificial intelligence (AI). The second is our growing understanding of human judgment, reasoning, and choice. Decades of research has yielded deep insights into what humans do well or poorly.1 (See “About the Research.”)

In this article, we will examine how managers can combine human intelligence with technology-enabled insights to make smarter choices in the face of uncertainty and complexity. Integrating the two streams of knowledge is not easy, but once management teams learn how to blend them, the advantages can be substantial. A company that can make the right decision three times out of five as opposed to 2.8 out of five can gain an upper hand over its competitors. Although this performance gap may seem trivial, small differences can lead to big statistical advantages over time. In tennis, for example, if a player has a 55% versus 45% edge on winning points throughout the match, he or she will have a greater than 90% chance of winning the best of three sets.2

To help your company gain such a cumulative advantage in business, we have identified five strategic capabilities that intelligent enterprises can use to outsmart the competition through better judgments and wise choices. Thanks to their use of big data and predictive analytics, many companies have begun cultivating some of these capabilities already.3 But few have systematically integrated the power of computers with the latest understanding of the human mind. For managers looking to gain an advantage on competitors, we see opportunities today to do the following:

  1. Find the strategic edge. In assessing past organizational forecasts, home in on areas where improving subjective predictions can really move the needle.
  2. Run prediction tournaments. Discover the best forecasting methods by encouraging competition, experimentation, and innovation among teams.
  3. Model the experts in your midst. Identify the people internally who have demonstrated superior insights into key business areas, and leverage their wisdom using simple linear models.
  4. Experiment with artificial intelligence. Go beyond simple linear models. Use deep neural nets in limited task domains to outperform human experts.
  5. Change the way the organization operates. Promote an exploratory culture that continually looks for better ways to combine the capabilities of humans and machines.

1. Find the Strategic Edge

The starting point for becoming an intelligent enterprise is learning to allocate analytical effort where it will most pay off — in other words, being strategic about which problems you decide to tackle head-on. The sweet spot for intelligent enterprises is where hard data and soft judgment can be productively combined. On one side, this zone is bounded by problems that philosopher Karl Popper dubbed “clocklike” because of their deterministic regularities; on the other side, it is bounded by problems he dubbed “cloudlike” because of their uncertainty.4

Clocklike problems are tractable and stable, and they can be defined by past experience (as in actuarial tables or credit reports). Statistical prediction models can shine here. Human judgment operates on the sidelines, although it still plays a role under unusual conditions (such as assessing the impact of new medical advances on life expectancies). Cloudlike problems (for example, assigning probabilities to global warming causing mega-floods in Miami in 2025 or ascertaining whether intelligent life exists on other planets) are far murkier. However, what’s most critical in such cases is the knowledge base of experts and, more importantly, their nuanced appreciation of what they do and don’t know. The sweet spot for managers lies in combining the strengths of computers and algorithms with seasoned human judgment and judicious questioning. (See “Finding the Sweet Spot.”) By avoiding judgmental biases that often distort human information processing and by recognizing the precarious assumptions on which statistical models sometimes rest, the analytical whole can occasionally become more than the sum of its parts.

Creating a truly intelligent enterprise is neither quick nor simple. Some of what we recommend will seem counterintuitive and requires training. Breakthroughs in cognitive psychology over the past few decades have attuned many sophisticated leaders to the biases and traps of undisciplined thinking.5 However, few companies have been able to transform these insights into game-changing practices that make their business much smarter. Companies that perform data mining remain blissfully unaware of the quirks and foibles that shape their analysts’ hunches. At the same time, executive teams advancing opinions are seldom asked to defend their views in depth. In most cases, outcomes of judgments or decisions are rarely reviewed against the starting assumptions. There is a clear opportunity to raise a company’s IQ by both improving corporate decision-making processes and leveraging data and technology tools.

2. Run Prediction Tournaments

One promising method for creating better corporate forecasts involves using what are known as prediction tournaments to surface the people and approaches that generate the best judgments in a given domain. The idea of a prediction tournament is to incentivize participants to predict what they think will happen, translate their assessments into probabilities, and then track which predictions proved most accurate. In a prediction tournament, there is no benefit in being overly positive or overly negative, or in engaging in strategic gaming against rivals. The job of tournament organizers is to develop a set of relevant questions and then attract participants to provide answers.

One organization that has used prediction tournaments effectively is the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA). It operates within the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence and is responsible for running high-risk, high-return research on how to improve intelligence analysis. In 2011, IARPA invited five research teams to compete to develop the best methods of boosting the accuracy of human probability judgments of geopolitical events. The topics covered the gamut, from possible Eurozone exits to the direction of the North Korean nuclear program. One of the authors (Phil Tetlock) co-led a team known as the Good Judgment Project,6 which won this tournament by ignoring folklore and conducting field experiments to discover what really drives forecasting accuracy. Four key factors emerged as critical to successful predictions:7

  1. Identifying the attributes of consistently superior forecasters, including their greater curiosity, open-mindedness, and willingness to test the idea that forecasting might be a skill that can be cultivated and is worth cultivating;
  2. Training people in techniques for avoiding common cognitive biases such as overconfidence and overweighting evidence that reinforces their preconceptions;
  3. Creating stimulating work environments that encourage the best performers to engage in collaborative teamwork and offer guidance on how to avoid groupthink by practicing techniques like precision questioning and constructive confrontation;
  4. Devising better statistical methods to extract wisdom from crowds by, for example, giving more weight to forecasters with better track records and more diverse viewpoints.8

Based on our experience, the biggest benefit of prediction tournaments within organizations is their power to accelerate learning cycles. Companies can accelerate learning by adhering to several principles.

  • The first principle involves careful record keeping. By keeping accurate records, it is harder to misremember earlier forecasts, one’s own, and those of others. This is a critical counterweight to the self-serving tendency to say “I knew it all along,” as well as the inclination to deny credit to rivals “who didn’t have a clue.”
  • Second, by making it difficult for contestants to misremember, tournaments force people to confront their failures and the other side’s successes. Typically, one’s first response to failure is denial. Tournaments prompt people to become more reflective, to engage in a pattern of thinking known as preemptive self-criticism; they encourage participants to consider ways in which they might have been deeply wrong.
  • Third, tournaments produce winners, which naturally awakens curiosity in others about how the superior results were achieved. Teams are encouraged to experiment and improve their methods all along.
  • Fourth, the scoring in prediction tournaments is clear to all involved up front.9 This creates a sense of fair competition among all.

Until recently, there was little published research that training in probabilistic reasoning and cognitive debiasing could improve forecasting of complex real-world events.10 Academics felt that eliminating cognitive illusions was nearly impossible for people to achieve on their own.11 The IARPA tournaments revealed, however, that customized training of only a few hours can deliver benefits. Specifically, training exercises involving behavioral decision theory — from statistical reasoning to scenario planning and group dynamics — hold great promise for improving managers’ decision-making skills. At companies we have worked with, the training typically involves individual and group exercises to demonstrate cognitive biases, video tutorials on topics such as scenario planning, and customized business simulations.

In fields ranging from medicine to finance, scores of studies have shown that replacing experts with models of experts produces superior judgments.

3. Model the Experts in Your Midst

Another way to create a more intelligent enterprise is to model the knowledge of expert employees so it can be leveraged more effectively and objectively. This can be done using a technique known in decision-making research as bootstrapping.12 An early example of bootstrapping research in decision psychology involved a study that explored what was on the minds of agricultural experts who were judging the quality of corn at a wholesale auction where farmers brought their crops.13 The researchers asked the corn judges to rate 500 ears of corn to predict their eventual prices in the marketplace. These expert judges considered a variety of factors, including the length and circumference of each ear, the weight of the kernels, the filling of the kernels at the tip, the blistering, and the starchiness. The researchers then created a simple scoring model based on cues that judges claimed were most important in driving their own predictions. Both the judges and the researchers expected the simple additive models to do much worse than the predictions of seasoned experts. But to everyone’s surprise, the models that mimicked the judges’ strategies nearly always performed better than the judges themselves.

Similar surprises occurred when banks introduced computer models several decades ago to assist in making loan decisions. Few loan officers believed that a simplified model of their professional judgments could make better predictions than experienced loan officers could make. The sense was that consumer loans contained many subjective factors that only savvy loan officers could properly assess, so there was skepticism about whether distilling intuitive expertise into a simple formula could help new loan officers learn faster. But here, too, the models performed better than most loan experts.14 In other fields, from predicting the performance of newly hired salespeople to the bankruptcy risks of companies to the life expectancies of terminally ill cancer patients, the experience has been essentially the same.15 Even though experts usually possess deep knowledge, they often do not make good predictions.16

When humans make predictions, wisdom gets mixed with “random noise.” By noise, we mean the inconsistencies that creep into human judgments due to fatigue, boredom, and other vagaries of being human.17 Bootstrapping, which incorporates expert judgment into a decision-making model, eliminates such inconsistencies while preserving the expert’s insights.18 But this does not occur when human judgment is employed on its own. In a classic medical study, for instance, nine radiologists were presented with information from 96 cases of suspected stomach ulcers and asked to evaluate them for the likelihood of a malignancy.19 A week later, the radiologists were shown the same information, although this time in a different order. In 23% of the cases, the second assessments differed from their first.20 None of the radiologists was completely consistent across their two assessments, and some were inconsistent nearly half of the time.

In fields ranging from medicine to finance, scores of studies have shown that replacing experts with models of experts produces superior judgments.21 In most cases, the bootstrapping model performed better than experts on their own.22 Nonetheless, bootstrapping models tend to be rather rudimentary in that human experts are usually needed to identify the factors that matter most in making predictions. Humans are also instrumental in assigning scores to the predictor variables (such as judging the strength of recommendation letters for college applications or the overall health of patients in medical cases). What’s more, humans are good at spotting when the model is getting out of date and needs updating.

Bootstrapping lacks the high-tech pizzazz of deep neural nets in artificial intelligence. However, it remains one of the most compelling demonstrations of the potential benefits of combining the powers of models and humans, including the value of expert intuition.23 It also raises the question of whether permitting more human intervention (for example, when a doctor has information that goes beyond the model) can yield further benefit. In such circumstances, there is the risk that humans want to override the model too often since they will deem too many cases as special or unique.24 One way to incorporate additional expert perspective is to allow the expert (for example, a loan officer or a doctor) a limited number of overrides to the model’s recommendation.

A field study by marketing scholars tested the effects of combining humans and models in the retail sector.25 The researchers studied two different situations: (1) predictions by professional buyers of catalog sales for fashion merchandise, and (2) brand managers’ predictions for coupon-redemption rates. Once the researchers had the actual results in hand, they compared the results to the forecasts. Then they tested how different combinations of humans and models might perform the same tasks. The researchers found that in both the catalog sales and coupon-redemption settings, an even balance between the human and the model yielded the best predictions.

4. Experiment With Artificial Intelligence

Bootstrapping uses a simple input-output approach to modeling expertise without delving into process models of human reasoning. Accordingly, bootstrapping can be augmented by AI technologies that allow for more complex relationships among variables drawn from human insights or from mining big data sets.

Deeper cognitive insights drove computer modeling of master chess players back in the early days of AI. But modeling human thinking — with all its biases — has its limits; often, computers are able to develop an edge simply by using superior computing power to study old data. This is how IBM Corp.’s Deep Blue supercomputer managed to beat the world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. Today AI covers various types of machine intelligence, including computer vision, natural language comprehension, robotics, and machine learning. However, AI still lacks a broad intelligence of the kind humans have that can cut across domains. Human experts thus remain important whenever contextual intelligence, creativity, or broad knowledge of the world is needed.

Humans simplify the complex world around them by using various cognitive mechanisms, including pattern matching and storytelling, to connect new stimuli to the mental models in their heads.26 When psychologists studied jurors in mock murder trials, for example, they found that jurors built stories from the limited data available and then processed new information to reinforce the initial storyline.27 The risk is that humans get trapped in their own initial stories and then start to weigh confirming evidence more heavily than information that doesn’t fit their internal narratives.28 People often see patterns that are not really there, or they fail to see that new data requires changing the storyline.29

Human experts typically provide signal, noise, and bias in unknown proportions, which makes it difficult to disentangle these three components in field settings.30 Whether humans or computers have the upper hand depends on many factors, including whether the tasks being undertaken are familiar or unique. When tasks are familiar and much data is available, computers will likely beat humans by being data-driven and highly consistent from one case to the next. But when tasks are unique (where creativity may matter more) and when data overload is not a problem for humans, humans will likely have an advantage. (See “The Comparative Advantages of Humans and Computers.”)

One might think that humans have an advantage over models in understanding dynamically complex domains, with feedback loops, delays, and instability. But psychologists have examined how people learn about complex relationships in simulated dynamic environments (for example, a computer game modeling an airline’s strategic decisions or those of an electronics company managing a new product).31 Even after receiving extensive feedback after each round of play, the human subjects improved only slowly over time and failed to beat simple computer models. This raises questions about how much human expertise is desirable when building models for complex dynamic environments. The best way to find out is to compare how well humans and models do in specific domains and perhaps develop hybrid models that integrate different approaches.

AI systems have been rapidly improving in recent years. Traditional expert systems used rule-based models that mimicked human expertise by employing if-then rules (for example, “If symptoms X, Y, and Z are present, then try solution #5 first.”).32 Most AI applications today, however, use network structures, which search for new linkages between input variables and output results. In deep neural nets used in AI applications, the aim is to analyze very large data sets so that the system can discover complex relationships and refine them whenever more feedback is provided. AI is thriving thanks to deep neural nets developed for particular tasks, including playing games like chess and Go, driving cars, synthesizing speech, and translating language.33

Companies should be closely tracking the development of AI applications to determine which aspects are worthiest of adoption and adaptation in their industry. Bridgewater Associates LP, a hedge fund firm based in Westport, Connecticut, is an example of a company already experimenting with AI. Bridgewater Associates is developing various algorithmic models designed to automate much of the management of the firm by capturing insights from the best minds in the organization.34

Artificial general intelligence of the kind that most humans exhibit is emerging more slowly than targeted AI applications. Artificial general intelligence remains a rather small portion of current AI research, with the high-commercial-value work focused on narrow domains such as speech recognition, object classification in photographs, or handwriting analysis.35 Still, the idea of artificial general intelligence has captured the popular imagination, with movies depicting real-life robots capable of performing a broad range of complex tasks. In the near term, the best predictive business systems will likely deploy a complex layering of humans and machines in order to garner the comparative advantages of each. Unlike machines, human experts possess general intelligence that is naturally sensitive to real-world contexts and is capable of deep self-reflection and moral judgments.

Organizations will need to promote cultural and process
transformations to give employees the confidence to speak truth to power.

5. Change the Way the Organization Operates

In our view, the most powerful decision-support systems are hybrids that fuse multiple technologies together. Such decision aids will become increasingly common, expanding beyond narrow applications such as sales forecasting to providing a foundation for broader systems such as IBM’s Watson, which, among other things, helps doctors make complex medical diagnoses. Over time, we expect the underlying technologies to become more and more sophisticated, eventually reaching the point where decision-support devices will be on par with, or better than, most human advisers.

As machines become more sophisticated, humans and organizations will advance as well. To eliminate the excessive noise that often undermines human judgments in many organizations and to amplify the signals that truly matter, we recommend two strategies. First, organizations can record people’s judgments in “prediction banks” to monitor their accuracy over time.36 Rather than being overly general, predictions should be clear and crisp so they can be unambiguously scored ex post (without any wiggle room). Second, once managers accumulate personal performance scores in the prediction bank, their track record can help determine their “reputational capital” (which might determine how much weight their view gets in future decisions). Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, has been moving in this direction. He has developed a set of rules and management principles to create a culture that records, scores, and evaluates judgments on an ongoing basis, with high transparency and incentives for personal improvement.37

Truly intelligent enterprises will blend the soft side of human judgment, including its known frailties and biases, with the hard side of big data and business analytics to create competitive advantages for companies competing in knowledge economies. From an organizational perspective, the type of transformation we envision will require focusing on three factors. The first involves strategic focus. Leaders will need to determine what kind of intelligence edge they want to develop. For example, do they want to develop superior human judgment under uncertainty, or do they want to push the frontiers of automation? Second, companies will need to focus on building the mindsets, skills, habits, and rewards that can convert judgmental acumen into better calibrated subjective probabilities. Third, organizations will need to promote cultural and process transformations to give employees the confidence to speak truth to power, since the overall aim is to experiment with approaches that challenge conventional wisdom.38 All this will require changing incentives and, where necessary, breaking down silos so that information can easily flow to where it is most needed.

Having discussed how to improve the science of prediction, it seems fitting to examine the future of forecasting itself. For the sake of comparison, it’s worth noting that medicine emerged very rapidly from the time when bloodletting was common to a more scientific approach based on control groups, placebos, and evidence-based research. Currently, the field of subjective prediction is moving beyond its own black magic, thanks to advances in cognitive science. Given how often forecasting methods still fail, we will need to pay attention to outcome-based approaches that rely on experiments and field studies to unearth the best strategies.

Despite ongoing challenges, the science of subjective forecasting has been steadily getting better, even as the external world has become more complex. From wisdom-of-crowd approaches and prediction markets to forecasting tournaments, big data and business analytics, and artificial intelligence, there is much hope about identifying the best approaches.39 However, there is confusion about how to improve subjective prediction. For example, insurance underwriters are still struggling to properly price risks posed by terrorism, global warming, and geopolitical turmoil.40

The cognitive-science revolution holds both promise and challenge for business leaders. For most companies, the devil will be in the details: which human versus machine approaches to apply to which topics and how to combine the various approaches. Sorting all this out will not be easy, because people and machines think in such different ways. But there is often a common analytical goal and point of comparison when dealing with tasks where foresight matters: assigning well-calibrated probability judgments to events of commercial or political significance. We have focused on real-world forecasting expressed in terms of subjective probabilities because such judgments can be objectively scored later once the outcomes are known. Scoring is more complicated with other important tasks where humans and models can be symbiotically combined, such as making strategic choices. However, once an organization starts to embrace hybrid approaches for making subjective probability estimates and keeps improving them, it can develop a sustainable strategic intelligence advantage over rivals.



1. Two classic research anthologies are D. Kahneman, P. Slovic, and A. Tversky, eds., “Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases” (Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1982); and D. Kahneman and A.Tversky, eds., “Choices, Values, and Frames” (Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2000). See also W.M. Goldstein and R.M. Hogarth, eds., “Research on Judgment and Decision Making: Currents, Connections, and Controversies” (Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1997); D.J. Koehler and N. Harvey, eds., “Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making” (Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing, 2004); and D. Kahneman, “Thinking: Fast and Slow” (New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2011).

2. Readers can examine different probabilities of winning in tennis at “Tennis Calculator,” 2015, For analytical derivations, see F.J.G.M. Klaassen and J.R. Magnus, “Forecasting the Winner of a Tennis Match,” European Journal of Operational Research 148, no. 2 (2003): 257-267.

3. E. Siegel, “Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die” (Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2013); and T.H. Davenport and J.G. Harris, “Competing on Analytics: The New Science of Winning” (Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2007).

4. K. Popper, “Of Clocks and Clouds,” in “Learning, Development, and Culture: Essays in Evolutionary Epistemology,” ed. H.C. Plotkin (Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 1982), 109-119.

5. Notable books in this regard are J. Baron, “Thinking and Deciding,” 3rd ed. (Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2000); J.E. Russo and P.J.H. Schoemaker, “Winning Decisions: Getting It Right the First Time” (New York: Doubleday 2001); G. Gigerenzer and R. Selten, eds., “Bounded Rationality: The Adaptive Toolbox” (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2002); D. Ariely, “Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions” (New York: HarperCollins, 2008); and M. Lewis, “The Undoing Project” (New York: W.W. Norton, 2016).

6. P.E. Tetlock and D. Gardner, “Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction” (New York: Crown, 2015).

7. P.J.H. Schoemaker and P.E. Tetlock, “Superforecasting: How to Upgrade Your Company’s Judgment,” Harvard Business Review 94, no. 5 (May 2016): 72-78.

8. For more details about best practices for setting up and running prediction tournaments, see Schoemaker and Tetlock, “Superforecasting.”

9. Prediction tournaments are scored using a rigorous, widely accepted yardstick known as the Brier score. For more information about the Brier score, see G.W. Brier, “Verification of Forecasts Expressed in Terms of Probability,” Monthly Weather Review 78, no. 1 (January 1950): 1-3.

10. B. Fischhoff, “Debiasing,” in “Judgment Under Uncertainty,” ed. Kahneman, Slovic, and Tversky, 422-444; and J.S. Lerner and P.E. Tetlock, “Accounting for the Effects of Accountability,” Psychological Bulletin 125, no. 2 (March 1999): 255-275.

11. B. Fischhoff, “Debiasing;” G. Keren, “Cognitive Aids and Debiasing Methods: Can Cognitive Pills Cure Cognitive Ills?,” Advances in Psychology 68 (1990): 523-552; and H.R Arkes, “Costs and Benefits of Judgment Errors: Implications for Debiasing,” Psychological Bulletin 110, no. 3 (November 1991): 486-498.

12. The term “bootstrapping” has a different meaning in statistics, where it refers to repeated sampling from the same data set (with replacement) to get better estimates; see, for example, “Bootstrapping (Statistics),” Jan. 26, 2017,

13. H.A. Wallace, “What Is in the Corn Judge’s Mind?,” Journal of American Society for Agronomy 15 (July 1923): 300-304.

14. S. Rose, “Improving Credit Evaluation,” American Banker, March 13, 1990.

15. These tasks included, among others, predicting repayment of medical students’ loans. See R. Cooter and J.B. Erdmann, “A Model for Predicting HEAL Repayment Patterns and Its Implications for Medical Student Finance,” Academic Medicine 70, no. 12 (December 1995): 1134-1137. For more detail on how to build linear models — both objective and subjective — see A.H. Ashton, R.H. Ashton, and M.N. Davis, “White-Collar Robotics: Levering Managerial Decision Making,” California Management Review 37, no. 1 (fall 1994): 83-109. Especially useful is their discussion of possible objections to using linear models in applied settings, as in their example of predicting advertising space for Time magazine.

16. For a thorough analysis of the multiple reasons for this paradox, see C.F. Camerer and E.J. Johnson, “The Process-Performance Paradox in Expert Judgment: How Can Experts Know So Much and Predict So Badly?,” chap. 10 in “Research on Judgment and Decision Making,” ed. Goldstein and Hogarth.

17. Random noise can produce much inconsistency within as well as across experts; see R.H. Ashton, “Cue Utilization and Expert Judgments: A Comparison of Independent Auditors With Other Judges,” Journal of Applied Psychology 59, no. 4 (August 1974): 437-444; J. Shanteau, D.J. Weiss, R.P. Thomas, and J.C. Pounds, “Performance-Based Assessment of Expertise: How to Decide if Someone Is an Expert or Not,” European Journal of Operational Research 136, no. 2 (January 2002): 253-263; R.H. Ashton, “A Review and Analysis of Research on the Test-Retest Reliability of Professional Judgment,” Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 13, no. 3 (July/September 2000): 277-294; S. Grimstad and M. Jørgensen, “Inconsistency of Expert Judgment-Based Estimates of Software Development Effort,” Journal of Systems and Software 80, no. 11 (November 2007): 1770-1777; and A. Koriat, “Subjective Confidence in Perceptual Judgments: A Test of the Self-Consistency Model,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 140, no. 1 (February 2011): 117-139.

18. Beyond just predictions, noise reduction is a broad strategy for improving decisions; see D. Kahneman, A.M. Rosenfield, L. Gandhi, and T. Blaser, “Noise: How to Overcome the High, Hidden Cost of Inconsistent Decision Making,” Harvard Business Review 94, no. 10 (October 2016): 38-46.

19. The radiologist example was taken from P.J. Hoffman, P. Slovic, and L.G. Rorer, “An Analysis-of-Variance Model for Assessment of Configural Cue Utilization in Clinical Judgment,” Psychological Bulletin 69, no. 5 (May 1968): 338-349. Note that these were highly trained professionals making judgments central to their work. In addition, they knew that their medical judgments were being examined by researchers, so they probably tried as hard as they could. Still, their carefully considered judgments were remarkably inconsistent.

20. The average intra-expert correlation was .76, which equates to a 23% chance of getting a reversal in the ranking or scores of two cases from one time to the next. In general, a Pearson product-moment correlation of r translates into a [.5+arcsin (r)/π] probability of a rank reversal of two cases the second time, assuming bivariate normal distributions; see M. Kendall, “Rank Correlation Methods” (London: Charles Griffen & Co., 1948).

21. A provocative brief for this structured numerical approach in medicine can be found in J.A. Swets, R.M. Dawes, and J. Monahan, “Better Decisions Through Science,” Scientific American, October 2000, 82-87.

22. For a general review of bootstrapping performance, see C. Camerer, “General Conditions for the Success of Bootstrapping Models,” Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 27, no. 3 (1981): 411-422, which builds on and refines the classic paper by K.R. Hammond, C.J. Hursch, and F.J. Todd, “Analyzing the Components of Clinical Inference,” Psychological Review 71, no. 6 (November 1964): 438-456.

23. G. Klein, “The Power of Intuition” (New York: Currency-Doubleday, 2004); and R.M. Hogarth, “Educating Intuition” (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001). See also D. Kahneman and G. Klein, “Conditions for Intuitive Expertise: A Failure to Disagree,” American Psychologist 64, no. 6 (September 2009): 515-526.

24. P. Goodwin, “Integrating Management Judgment and Statistical Methods to Improve Short-Term Forecasts,” Omega 30, no. 2 (April 2002): 127- 135; for medical examples, see J. Reason, “Human Error: Models and Management,” Western Journal of Medicine 172, no. 6 (June 2000): 393-396; and B.J. Dietvorst, J.P. Simmons, and C. Massey, “Algorithm Aversion: People Erroneously Avoid Algorithms After Seeing Them Err,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 144, no. 1 (February 2015): 114-126.

25. R.C. Blattberg and S.J. Hoch, “Database Models and Managerial Intuition: 50% Model + 50% Manager,” Management Science 36, no. 8 (August 1990): 887-899.

26. Related cognitive processes involve associative networks, scripts, schemata, frames, and mental models; see J. Klayman and P.J.H. Schoemaker, “Thinking About the Future: A Cognitive Perspective,” Journal of Forecasting 12, no. 2 (1993): 161-186.

27. R. Hastie, S.D. Penrod, and N. Pennington, “Inside the Jury” (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1983).

28. J. Klayman and Y.-W. Ha, “Confirmation, Disconfirmation, and Information in Hypothesis Testing,” Psychological Review 94, no. 2 (April 1987): 211-228; and J. Klayman and Y.-W. Ha, “Hypothesis Testing in Rule Discovery: Strategy, Structure, and Content,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 15, no. 4 (July 1989): 596-604.

29. T. Gilovich, “Something Out of Nothing: The Misperception and Misinterpretation of Random Data,” chap. 2 in “How We Know What Isn’t So: The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life” (New York: Free Press, 1991); see also N.N. Taleb, “Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets” (New York: Random House, 2004).

30. The best way to untangle the confounding effects is through controlled experiments, and even then it may be difficult. For a research example of how to do this, see P.J.H. Schoemaker and J.C. Hershey, “Utility Measurement: Signal, Noise and Bias,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 52, no. 3 (August 1992): 397-424.

31. J.D. Sterman, “Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World” (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000).

32. For textbook introductions to some of these technologies, see J.M. Zurada, “Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems” (St. Paul, Minnesota: West Publishing Company, 1992); and S. Haykin, “Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation,” 2nd ed. (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1998).

33. “Finding a Voice,” Economist, Technology Quarterly, Jan. 7, 2017, pp. 3- 27; see also J. Turow, “The Daily You: How the New Advertising Industry Is Defining Your Identity and Your Worth” (New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2011).

34. R. Copeland and B. Hope, “The World’s Largest Hedge Fund Is Building an Algorithmic Model From Its Employees’ Brains,” The Wall Street Journal, Dec. 22, 2016,

35. “Perspectives on Research in Artificial Intelligence and Artificial General Intelligence Relevant to DoD,” JASON Study JSR-16-Task-003, MITRE Corporation, McLean, Virginia, January 2017,

36. Prediction banks are a special case of the more general notion of a setting up a mistake bank; see J.M. Caddell, “The Mistake Bank: How to Succeed by Forgiving Your Mistakes and Embracing Your Failures” (Camp Hill, Pennsylvania: Caddell Insight Group, 2013).

37. R. Feloni, “Billionaire Investor Ray Dalio’s Top 20 Management Principles,” Nov. 5, 2014,

38. A. Edmondson, “Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams,” Administrative Science Quarterly 44, no. 2 (June 1999): 350-383.

39. R.S. Michalski, J.G. Carbonell, and T.M. Mitchell, eds., “Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach” (Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1983).

40. See, for example, H. Kunreuther, R.J. Meyer, and E.O. Michel-Kerjan, eds. (with E. Blum),“The Future of Risk Management,” under review with the University of Pennsylvania Press.


The authors thank Rob Adams, Barbara A. Mellers, Nanda Ramanujam, and J. Edward Russo for their helpful feedback on earlier drafts.

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