We Are Open For Business

Please enjoy full access to the MIT SMR site on February 23 and 24

Reading Time: 1 min 


On February 23 and 24, MIT Sloan Management Review is conducting an experiment. We are completely dropping the site’s paygates, allowing visitors to freely explore all of our articles, reports, posts, videos, webinars, tools, and case studies.

Why? We want to encourage the world to get to know all the remarkable things that MIT SMR has to offer.

Some suggestions, as you browse:

Make sure to visit our new case study on GE, “GE’s Big Bet on Data and Analtyics.” The case looks at how GE is remaking itself from a traditional manufacturer into a leader of the Industrial Internet. If you have an interest in analytics-driven innovation, you might also want to read When Health Care Gets a Healthy Dose of Data.”

The Winter 2016 issue of MIT SMR features a special report on the profound impacts of transparency, including Robert Austin and David Upton’s lead article, “Leading in the Age of Super-Transparency.” And don’t miss our interview with David B. Yoffie and Michael A. Cusumano on “Mastering Strategy.”

Some other recommended reading:

How Twitter Users Can Generate Better Ideas

Strategy, not Technology, Drives Digital Transformation

Fighting the ‘Headquarters Knows Best’ Syndrome

And there’s plenty more to explore, of course.

We are grateful to our sponsor, Xively, for their support of our open-site initiative.



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